Veteran Outreach & Increased Community Engagement
The VOICE program (Veteran Outreach & Increased Community Engagement) is a series of events and programs which connect Marines, veterans, and their families to the Command Museum, MCRD, and their greater Marine Corps family. The guiding principle for the program is “Once a Marine, Always a Marine.”
Tun Tavern Tuesday:
The Command Museum’s Tun Tavern Tuesday event continues to be a huge success! This monthly event is free and open to the public and is a chance for Marines, veterans, and the public to build community and network in a relaxed setting. Tun Tavern Tuesdays ensure that young veterans have an outlet for connecting with active duty and each other in a setting that is comfortable and familiar. This unique community building event helps promote social inclusion and decreases the isolation which can so often lead to suicide among our veterans and active duty. Each TTT features live music from a local singer (including active duty Marines), food, raffles, yard games, and a tap takeover of craft beer from a featured local brewery. Come reconnect and socialize in a familiar place, the Depot where Marines are born.

Veteran Discussion Groups:
Entitled “Dialogues on the Experience of War,” these groups consist of up to twelve veterans. DEW groups come together to discuss the many aspects that surround the experience of combat and military service. The purpose of the program is twofold: 1) to gain a better understanding of how the experience of war shapes us as groups and individuals so that the Command Museum can tell a more in depth and accurate story of those experiences and 2) connect veterans to each other, provide opportunities to share their story, and provide a network of support that promotes wellness in all aspects of life. The program uses unique Museum resources such as artifacts, paintings, books, and exhibits to generate discussion in a historically-minded yet personal approach.

Family Forever Gold Star Program:
An outreach program that honors the sacrifices of families who have lost a service member on active duty. This program differs from other support services for Gold Star Families in that it provides consistent, local support rather than one-time support or a large scale retreat. This benefits families by helping build their network of local, trusted contacts who understand and empathize with their needs. Program events inlude remembrance events, social support & community building events, and connection to local resources. Open to immediate family members in San Diego County and Orange County, with events taking place in the San Diego area. Although these families no longer have a loved one in the military community, they are our "Family Forever."